Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Ain't Nothing (What loving you has taught me pt.1)

Hint about who I might be writing about: Who is the first person you should learn to love before you even attempt to love another human being thoroughly and entirely?

Ain't Nothing

I'm sorry, were you looking at me?
Did you find something wrong?
Did you see a mistake?
Am I not the right size?
Am I not the right hue?
Yes! I'm talking to you.

Did you find a glitch in your little niche?
Yeah, that's right.
Because there is nothing wrong with the length of my legs
or the width of my waist.

No, there is nothing wrong with the thick of my thighs
or my handles of love.
I see no annoyance in the deep of my eyes
the round of my face
and flat little nose

I feel no big problem in the strength of my pride
and have no reason to hide
It seems we're not that different
you and me.
So I guess there ain't nothing wrong with me.

#blogram #Singlelarity #WLYHTM