Saturday, December 31, 2011


How I love you Hermosa. You have been so good to my ego lately. I still can't help but be ridiculously shy when I'm approached by a guy, though. I think it's really nice that some guys still know that the "first move" is their move. BUT it was also fun testing out lines from my Christmas present Pickup lines and Come-ons for all Occasions. I can't believe how many people actually respond to that stuff. It's not all crap, of course I'm sure most are tried and true lines. I've probably even heard some of my male cousins use them with success, but they're pretty boys so it's no doubt it works.

Flattery. If you're trying to hit on a girl please don't use "NEGS" that's just lame. Especially if you see that the girl is just trying to have a good time with her friends. Flattery will get you places. She'll smile or laugh and be obliged to, AT THE VERY LEAST, thank you for the compliment. Now if she's a hard biznatch that just doesn't seem to want to have fun then I'm not sure how to help you there. I'm not even sure why you'd want to approach her.

Then again, maybe her face is just naturally angry. You're thinking DAMN you're mean Greey, but I'm not. You probably know exactly what I talking about too. Some people's face are just naturally angry looking but when they smile it's as if someone turned a light on. Suddenly, this mean hard core biznatch is a gorgeous sweet loving woman you want to get to know. So if you said something like "I bet you look even better when you smile" you'd find yourself in a nice conversation or "conversation" which ever you're looking for. If I was standing alone and I didn't know anyone I'm sure my equilibrium face wouldn't be a smile but if you said that to me, SHIZZZ I'd blush! You know, if I were of the blushing persuasion.

Also, I've found that it's easier to act as a wing to someone than to try to find a man for yourself or myself  because I'm just talking about me here. If I go out thinking I'm going to find a guy to dance with tonight; I get nervous! On the other hand, if I think hey, let's find (insert friends name here) a toy for the night, then I'll just be casually flirting with people; trying to introduce them to my friend so there's no pressure on me! YAY! I love that.

Anyway, last night was more of a win for me than a fail so GOOD TIMES!!

Being single during the holidays is still kind of a drag. As long as I'm single, though, I'm going to have a blast =D Faltering and failing the whole way through.

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