Saturday, January 21, 2012

To the BOY I met last night

This is just a short rant because I thought about it and it upset me again. To the BOY I met last night. You have NO right to stand there and tell ME that I have no standard JUST BECAUSE I wasn't living up to your expectation of a "hipster". Who the hell told you I was a hipster in the first place? I live by MY OWN standard because I am MY OWN person. An ORIGINAL. But I guess you're just not used to meeting intelligent WOMEN with their own opinions and a good arsenal of words to express them. You're so accustom to GIRLS throwing themselves at you trying to sucker you into buying them drinks that when you meet a woman that doesn't want anything you have to offer, you're offended. Sucks to be you.


So let me tell you more about this night. First of all what an adventure. Meeting up with someone you don't remember being friends with in high school at his friend's birthday party is interesting. I knew I was poised to have an interesting night no matter what. I wasn't expecting there would be such a difference in social norms when crossing "social boundaries" AFTER high school. OR I thought "social boundaries" were a thing of high school. I didn't realize people took that with them for the rest of their lives.

You see I'd never been to any of my high school kick backs because I wasn't a cool kid, so obviously I wasn't invited. IF I had been, I imagine it would have been a lot like that night. I might have become a social leper if I had gone though, so I'm glad I never had the chance to do that to myself.

My friend, we'll call him HV was a great host, though. I had come with my other friend KMS and HV introduced us to everyone - I mean EVERYONE. I don't know how we were supposed to remember them but there that was. Then again everyone was only about 15 people give or take 2. He got us drinks and we chatted and then he continued on his merry way to entertain the other guest, leaving us alone with his drunk friends. That wasn't bad. Until my allergies started acting up and I realized there was a cat in the house. I am not entirely but horribly close to deathly allergic to cats. I had to be in and out of the house because allergy medicine couldn't be found. But even when it was found, it wasn't helping.

So this is what I think may have happened. I MAY have accidentally offended him first. Let's call him, Bob. It was completely unintentional though and a direct result of my allergies and the fact that I'm not the type of girl that's going to throw myself at a guy just because he's talking to me. Honestly, let's have a conversation first. If you can amuse me and keep up then maybe we can get cozier in the future. Other than that I'm not too sure what you're expecting. Yes, music was playing, but does that mean I have to dance with/for you? NO! This isn't a club. I did not come her to be your amusement. Above all, I don't know you people enough to get that comfortable just yet.

This is how I believe I might have offended him. We were having a conversation and he was cute so I was entertaining the idea of him. The conversation was between him, KMS, and I. My allergies were beginning to act up mid conversation but I waited for an opportune pause to walk away, sneeze a bazillion times, and blow my nose. Wasn't that polite of me? To excuse myself from the conversation I said "aaand now I have to go blow my nose". I stepped aside; did my thing and then tried to come back to the conversation at which point he just walked away. No explanation. Just walked away toward some other girl that was more, shall we say, "receptive" to his advances. KMS's reaction was perfect, "Oh, okay. Are we suddenly not cool enough for him?"

I didn't think what I had done was offensive at the time but reconsidering the situation MAYBE it was. Later on we found ourselves in close proximity again. I'm dense sometimes so I didn't notice any tension in the air. HV, the one who invited me to the party, handed me a shot that I wasn't going to take so I took Bob's beer and gave him my shot. This is one of those reality and perception moments. Like 500 days of summer status.

Perception: I took his beer and gave him my shot to take with everyone. After the shot was taken the beer would have been returned and a conversation could have been had.

Reality: I took his beer and gave him my shot.
Bob said "I think we should switch back."
To which I reply coyly, "But why? I'll give it back just take the shot"
His response? "Because you have no standard"
KMS is speechless and wondering where his New Castle came from because she wanted that instead of the cheap stuff they had out at the ready. I was a bit taken a back and assumed I had misheard him. "Excuse me?". I retorted.
"You have no standard, You're a fake hipster."
At this point I just can't believe I'm having this conversation with someone. Come on now! I thought I was at a party with educated adults who were getting a little wasted. APPARENTLY, I was transported back to an actual high school kick back/party. Where people were labeled and judged so harshly based on their ability to stay within the confines of said label. When did he decide NOT to grow up? He had a college education and real world experience and application. How did he miss the class on how NOT to judge people on their outward appearance?
Anyway, I was so irritated that I gave his New Castle to KMS, she walked away. Then I made him regret his comment. And once more, he just up and walked away, no attempt to defend himself. Then proceeded to spend the rest of  the night avoiding me. He was ever so mature!

Moral of the story? I think there are many.

1. Don't judge people!
2. Don't dish out negs! I've said it once I'll say it again. It's RUDE! Also, like in this case, you don't know how the girl is going to react. She could rip you a new one a-hole if you're not careful.
3. Growing up may be optional but it's good for you.

I'm sure there are more but I don't need/want to spell it out for you. It was brought to my attention that he could have been trying to hit on me in his unique drunken way; that was not the way to do it. This could all have been a simple misunderstanding and someday when he's more sober and maybe remembers what happened or matures enough to not ignore people, we can discuss this moment. Just to be clear, I am not judging Bob as a person; I'm judging him in that moment. I am aware I have been ultra critical of him in this blog but it's not him as a whole. Just him in that moment. I dub that his Mr. Darcy moment. I imagine that's how the interaction between Mr. Darcy and Ms. Elizabeth Bennett lead to a misunderstanding and tension through out their relationship. I maintain faith that he and I could still be friends. Maybe he's not such a rude judgmental douche when he's sober. I won't hold my breath though.

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