Monday, February 13, 2012

The Holiday Blues Relapse

Singles Awareness Day. Also known as Valentine's Day. The one day of the year that couples get to swoon over each other because some guy named Valentine died for people's rights to marry during a time of war. I love that they teach that in school. Then we forget that fact immediately after because that's not what Valentine's Day is about! It's not about celebrating a man that was martyred for couples everywhere. Apparently, no holiday is about the martyrs that sacrifice themselves so that we can spend entirely too much money on each other, I mean celebrate our love for each other. These days the holiday's are about people spending an exorbitant about of money on each other. But this day especially, is about buying presents and chocolate and flowers and mad crazy displays of public affection that will make the closest single person gag. It's a month long holiday relapse for the single person.

Just when you were settling into the new year, beginning to once more feel comfortable in your singlelarity, February rears its ugly head. Now it's another month of wondering what's wrong with you because you're the only person NOT celebrating Valentine. Wait. Scratch that. You're the only one ACTUALLY celebrating Saint Valentine. That wonderful helpless romantic Saint! Set of Saints? Did you know there were many a Christian martyr named Valentine? Did you know that the Saint we celebrate is a myth and a legend and not entirely founded in fact? Did you know it's just one more story Christian's told to "Christianize" a "pagan ritual"?* Did you know I was raised Catholic? But I digress, what else is new?

Where was I? Singles Awareness Month. S.A.M. Singles Holiday Blues Depression Relapse Month. One more month of friends and family kindly reminding you're still not mated, and then asking you why this is so. You had a whole month and a half to find someone before this day arrived, why didn't you? As if it were that easy! If it were that easy, you would have been mated during the actual holidays instead of moping around like a love sick puppy.

So tomorrow, while the world celebrates each other and their ability to have found a significant other, you, by you I clearly mean I, shall celebrate the fact that after tomorrow there isn't another romantic holiday for months. Also, summer is coming. Couples may get Winter, Spring, and Fall, but Summer is for the single. Get ready to mingle singles our time is coming!!!

Then again you're reading the rant of a hopeless romantic cast into the world of singleness by choice and being entirely too picky about the people she chooses to date because of a refusal to settle.

*Did you know I did most of my research WHILE I wrote this and the questions came from a place of my mind being blown by the "facts" or LIES my teachers told me and continue to tell our youth. My world is shattered!**

These are the websites I checked:'s_Day and 

As you can see I used more than one source and they are both ever so credible. I trust The history Channel, don't you?

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