Hello Blogoshpere!
Where have I been?! It has taken me entirely too long to get back here. I mean literally. I could not for the life of me figure out my password or email for that matter. It was getting ridiculous! But I figured it out and here I am! YAY!
This month is National poetry month!!! and I'm way behind on the 30 poems for 30 days. I'm not too sure if I can even do 30 but I sure will try!! They'll most likely be rough cuts and unfinished work but at least I'm trying?
Before I get to the two poems I have for you today I would just like to say Grad school is hard. It's hard to focus on, hard to get started on, hard to get through, but anything worth doing usually isn't easy. Am I right? Also, I love Da Poetry Lounge. I haven't been there in MONTHS and it still feels like home. Going there feds my soul and sets a fire under my butt to remind me "Hey! Aren't you a writer too? Where's your work? Why are you slacking?" Anyway, it's time to get to cooking so the next time I go home I have something for the table, because it's a potluck (I never knew really knew how to spell that word till now, disgraceful!). There has to be some give in my take. OK! without further ado! Poem one!
Lessons from a dog
Dear Betsy,
Your ears are too long
You shed far too much
You bark for no reason
You don't always listen
You're a big fatty brat
'cause I spoil you like that
You're a silly little spaz
which makes me laugh
Most notably
You bravely run out into the world
though you're tiny and scared.
I wish I were more like you
but slightly more prepared.
That was a fun one to write. Alright, if you're ready for it.... Poem deux...
A writer's insecurity
I do not like the sound of my own voice
in my mousier years, I didn't know it existed
Am I proud of my voice?
In the confines of my room where I whisper words to corners that echo back my praises,
Yes. Emphatically, YES!
But here, where others ears might listen
Other opinions seem to matter
Where other poems have battled for supremacy
I fear it is not poet enough to stand amongst the rest
It does not crack at the tender moments
It does not raise for emphasis
It does not wreak of strong enough woman battling or hurdling obstacle
I fear it knows only petty love songs
and though I love petty love songs
I wish my voice were larger
So it could move people to tears
Or to action in the name of a just cause like
Love yourself
Fun times! Ok... 30 poems for 30 days. Two down? 28 more to go.
Thanks for reading y'all!
Greey <3
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