It's been what, a month and a half since I've been single again? I made the decision that I wanted to spend some time alone, not seriously dating anyone in particular. So the Rental Guy brought up some questions, like: What are my thoughts about casual dating in general right now?
The Rental Guy:
So around the time I became single again some child decided that turning his signal lights on gave him right of way, despite the fact that my car was not only beside his but also slightly ahead of his in the next lane. Long story short, he hit me. Now that his insurance company has finally taken responsibility for the accident I get to fix my car ... again!
Now for my fail. Just for reference, Italics are for my internal running thought process/commentary while this was happening .
Enterprise comes to pick me up at the auto shop to take me to get a rental, and he's an okay looking guy. Adorable face, great smile, and a body like a high school footballer who let himself go a little bit, but could easily get back with a few trips to the gym. He introduces himself and we start up a conversation. Good flow with no awkward pauses. We're in the car driving to Enterprise when it dawns on me, he's totally flirting. These are getting to know you type questions. I'm expressing genuine interest type questions. My actions are being perceived as flirty. Honestly, being friendly is not flirting but apparently that is what's going on. PAUSE, said my brain. Be kind, REWIND. "Friendly is NOT flirting." I take a cue from myself and reframe.
He's being friendly. Duh silly girl it's his job to start up a conversation and be courteous.
The thought of flirting is dismissed and I settle back into the flow of conversation. There's still a vibe I can't quite kick, but I ignore it in the interest of politeness. Once the short drive is through, we head into the office and complete the necessary paperwork, and he goes to get a car. He then calls me to the desks and informs me that he accidentally charged me the full deposit amount of 350$. Holy Crapola! I'm glad that went through, otherwise I'd be really embarrassed right now. After apologizing and refunding the proper portion of that deposit, he takes me to the car. A Dodge Charger!! Are you Freaking Kidding ME!!! I'm so excited!
When he's done inspecting the car, he continues apologizing, letting me know that he feels really bad about everything and that he's going to cover the taxes, write that there was no gas in the car and I could bring it back empty and basically not have to pay very much if anything at all upon returning the vehicle. SCORE! but weird/extreme. I thank him for the generous offer and validate that he was probably distracted and working on autopilot it wasn't necessary but I truly appreciate it. We hop in the car and he drives me to the exit where he says :
"Well I live in (place that isn't too far from me which he knows because I had to give him my address earlier). I don't know if you have a boyfriend or anything, but if you ever wanted to hang out .."
The rest kind of trails away because I'm in my own world trying to figure out what the right thing to say is and What the hell just happened? I knew it! I freaking knew it! What the hell do I do now? What actually came out of my ingenious unfiltered mouth?
"No, I don't."
Seriously? What the hell was that an answer to? No, I don't want to hang out with you. or No I don't have a boyfriend. Clearly I knew what it meant but did he?
The following exchange was boring, a handshake, direct eye contact, nice meeting you.. perfect opportunity to put it back in his court with a quick "well you have my number." That's not what happened though. I shook his hand and waved awkwardly from the driver's seat. That's another one for the fail blog. I guess it starts now. As far as the question posed earlier, I'm not sure I'm quite ready to start casually dating just yet, but I'm loving the boost in my ego gents. THANKS!
#blogram #instablog #datingfailbloglives #herewegoagain #didimentiontherewasanotherpassengerduringthatcarride #therewasasecondpassenger #hewasanothercustomer #secondlevelawkward
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