Wednesday, July 30, 2014

[Your Name Here]

[Your Name Here]

Young child,
Open the dictionary
Write your name in it
     and define yourself
Before anyone else gets a chance
Believe me, this world intends to
     and they will not be kind

Others would make you adjective
     for the sake of objectifying you
They will lust at you
Make you to blame
and list you as synonym to shameful

Before you allow that
Proclaim yourself Noun
Create in your body a Person
     so they may not turn you into a
          place to land
          thing to be owned

#instablog #blogram

I'm still working on the rest of it, but I wanted to post this.  Who knows when I'll finish it.  I've been writing this for some time now.  The right words will come.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014



I will not sacrifice my woman
            for your Manhood
I have worked long and hard
            to create the personage you see before you
I will not make myself less
            for you to feel more
I have no dominion over your ability to become
And I will not sacrifice my woman for you


Just a little something I'm working on.  I have a few other things in the works as well but this is something I know I'm going to fall in love with.