Friday, May 3, 2013

A Bloggers evolution

Well, as you all know, I am no longer single. So why keep up with this blog? The meaning Single-larity has changed several times in the few short years I have had it. At first it was a dating fail blog. Then it was about becoming comfortable with my singleness. Then I realized this blog was never about dating or the fact that I was single at all. I started this blog as a means to evolve and grow within myself. Admittedly I don't keep up with it as much as I should but changes are being made.

You see, though we are all connected and intertwined, we are all single entities. If we cannot learn to find comfort in ourselves and love the persons we are creating we cannot hope to or even dream to find another human being who will love us, entirely for who we truly are (run-on sentence). How can they, if we are not comfortable enough to show others our true faces. I am personally guilty of wearing many masks. I was raised to believe that there was an appropriate time and place to behave certain ways. Recently, however, I've learned that being completely myself is all I have to be. In certain circumstances I act in varying degrees of myself but never in a way that is contrary to who I believe myself to be.

Thus, Single-larity is here to stay. To evolve as I evolve and become whatever I need it to become. I hope you continue to follow my journey. It has been a good journey and I'm positive it will continue to be.

Till next time Lovies.



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