Saturday, January 14, 2012


I don't remember when I wrote this, but I do remember writing it. I was supposed to continue the story but life happened and that's where it ended but I can always pick it back up again. What do you think?

There are quite a bit of grammar issues. I can do that later, though. Unless you want to edit it for me! =D


As usual I sat quietly in the center table of the circular entrance of the library. I always sat there because it was the largest open space in the library and I could see the exit clearly. Not that I’m claustrophobic or anything I just have a thing about open spaces. I love them. They make me feel less – for lack of a better word? CONSTRAINED. Tied down? I guess I just can’t find the word I’m looking for right now but when I do I’ll let you know.
But anyways here I was sitting (all by my lonesome) at the center table in the large open circular entrance of the library with high ceilings. I forgot to mention that it had high ceilings which made me feel even more - free? I guess that’s another word that could describe the feeling. Tangent. Sorry. Anyway, the automatic doors open and in walks this beautiful specimen of a man. And I kept thinking, who was this character walking all suave like through the door?

He seemed like the typical tall dark and handsome type that I always made fun of only he had an air of arrogance. I whispered the word “handsome” and laughed a tad bit because it reminded me of a filipino play on tagalog and English words that my uncle told me. I giggle, with a big smile on my awkward face. I must have laughed a little too loud because it seemed as though the entire library was angry with me for momentarily directing their precious attention away from that cat. I laughed a little more in my head then I shrugged it off as I let my imagination run free and clear of politics and philosophy. Philosophy I enjoyed but politics? Yeah that’s not my forte.
I let my mind run. He had hair. But not that short army hair that’s kind of hot. It was, what my mom called “boy cut” hair. You know the kind of hair mothers threaten their little girls with.
“If you don’t take care of your hair I’m going to cut it. I’ll give you a boy cut”
          Or maybe it was just my mother. Anyways it that hair that’s kind of long on top and trimmed around the edges. It looked good on him. His hair seemed to be dark brown and his skin was a type of brown that you could only be born with. The brown that Filipino’s don’t want and Caucasians lay out on the beach getting cancer for. He had a certain pride about him though and I must admit it was kind of alluring. He wore jeans and a button up darkish shirt, I couldn’t really tell what the color was, that he filled out like a man who worked out because he was way too concerned about his image. And – he was walking directly towards me?
That was when I realized that I had been staring at him a little too intently. Okay doll time to look down and reel that mind in, I told myself. I looked passed him for a moment to make it seem as though I hadn’t been staring at him the whole time. Then I slowly let my head down so that he wouldn’t notice that I had noticed him. Hopefully it wasn’t too late for that.
“Is anyone sitting here?”
“Humm…? Oh no go ahead.” I tried to act as though I didn’t notice him. I hate it when people do that though because it makes it obvious that they had clearly noticed the other person. But I like to believe that I do it very well and that it wasn’t obvious to him. I also noticed that the library was thick with envy because the cool cat chose to sit at my table. Women can be so pathetic sometimes. I could see him take out his laptop, book and notebook from the corner of my eye. He adjusted his seat and every so often, and I swear this wasn’t my imagination – at least I hope it wasn’t – he would glace over at me.
His shirt was black by the way. I love that look. Dark blue jeans and a black shirt for men or a white shirt for women. It’s sexy in a stylized ghetto kind of way. Honestly –
“Excuse me?”
I shifted my eyes from my laptop to his face, which by the way is a gorgeous face. Beautifully shaped lips, eyes that shine, nice jaw line –
“Excuse me?”
“Yes?” damn was I staring again?  “Yeah? Sorry.” I let my mind go on a tangent because your eyes are so pretty. Oh crap what did he ask for? “I’m sorry, I’m a little distracted at the moment. Could you say that again?”
          He laughed, naturally, because I was acting like an idiot.
“Are you studying for that English final too?”
Be still my heart a writer?
“No, actually, umm.. I was just…” What the hell was I doing at the library again? I fumble through my composition books and journals trying to figure out what I was doing at the library, and it hits me, “writing!” a bit too loud there sport? “Writing.” I whisper. “I’m- I’m a writer. I find that school libraries are the easiest place to get lost in my thoughts and this one is my favorite. So far at least. I’ve been to, what, maybe three?”
“Well I imagine your thoughts are worth getting lost in.” Then he smiles this boyish smile like he couldn’t believe he had just said that and now I’m completely captivated.
“Yeah, maybe not as interesting as you might think.”
“Try me”
“Don’t you have a final to study for?”
“Actually I’m a T.A. I’ll be giving the final not taking it but I’ve seen you here before and,” nervous laughter, clearing throat? “I guess I just - I mean -“ Shall I just put you out of your misery? I smile as he fumbles for the right words.
“You know I could use a cup of coffee, do you know a good place around campus?”

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