Monday, July 18, 2011

Flirty old men

Old men who just don't give a damn what young people think of them make me laugh.

I was walking out of BOA and this old man stared at me as I passed and proclaimed, "Beautiful". Not subtly under his breath but loud enough for others passing to hear. It wasn't all creeper old man status either. It was kinda gross but I was flattered.

About a year or so ago, when I first started working retail an older gentleman, not old but older, approached me and asked "May I pay you a compliment?" Thinking it had more to do with the quality of service being provided at my store than me peronally, I allowed it. To my delight it was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. If anyone every actually did what he proposed, we'd be enggaged, if not married before the year's end, assuming the courtship went well, he got alongwith my family and he continued to be a gentleman.

"You're a beautiful woman. If I were a younger man, in my early 20's as I assume you are, I would be in here everyday with a dozen roses until you agreed to date me. I just thought you should know."

The man had me swooning and hoping for a younger gentleman like that to exist and find his way to me. Sigh. Too bad chivalry is dying and "men" these days have no concept of what true chivalry and courtship is.

But I'm still holding out.

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